Wednesday 3 March 2010

UI + Relationships = $£€

Michael Flannery tells of the importance of pre-validated relationships in USA and partnering with the right people in exporting technology and Creative talent from Northern Ireland.

He explains the importance of the right relationships, smart capital and management team. Many fail by 'setting up shop with the wrong partners'. From experience Michael talks about 'de-risking' early stage companies.

He draws parallels between New York and what is going on in Belfast, with the broadband connections, ecosystem and great Universities.

Quoting Mary Meeker of Morgan Stanley we are told that by the year 2012 more people will access the internet using mobile technology than their PCs.

Belfast understands the importance of 'UI' - the User Interface - the importance of design and how people relate to and interact with Apps and their devices. The University of Ulster for example produces more creative industry graduates than any institution on the island of Ireland. Add to that the riches of Queen's University and the Belfast Metropolitan College (to be illustrative rather than all-inclusive) and you can see Belfast and Northern Ireland has much to offer.

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