Monday 9 February 2009

The Power of and Place of Prayer - British Press Spin!

It disappointed me to read the press coverage of the National Prayer Breakfast in the British Press, once I had returned home from Washington DC.

The London Times and Daily Telegraph took the stance that Tony Blair had thumbed his nose at Messrs Brown and Sarkozy by being the first European Leader to meet President Obama.

I was there when it happened and must put the record straight. In fact both gentlemen were the guests of a number of Congressmen and Women who meet weekly in support of each other and in prayer. The Congressional Leaders are in turn supported by the National Prayer Breakfast Organisation that coordinates all the practical arrangements, including issuing the invitations and collating the responses and organising the seating plan.

Both men were invited to speak and share thoughts regarding their own faith and and issues of faith generally. It is traditional for the President to attend and every year the keynote speaker has been someone of considerable interest. Recent speakers have included King Abdullah of Jordan, Mother Theresa, Benazir Bhutto and Bono.

I have been asked who was the better speaker. I am not sure it is a fair question. Both were excellent and had interesting perspectives. The President drew attention to a new initiative involving faith based organisations - cleverly harnessing the wonderful work of many volunteers involved in delivering community services; but at the same time maintaining the separation of Church and State.

Tony Blair struck a cord with many, speaking with great sincerity about his personal journey of faith and the important role played by a school teacher in his early childhood. 

He told how his family was thrown into turmoil when his father suffered a stroke at the early age of 40. His stoic mother sent young Tony off to school as normal. When the young student was clearly upset his teacher said "don't worry Tony. Will we say a prayer for your Dad?". Tony replied tearfully that his father didn't believe in God and his teacher responded "Don't worry, God believes in your father!"

I also read on my return to Ireland about Nurse Caroline Petrie suspended after offering to pray for a patient....interesting parallel with young Tony's mentor!

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